10 June, 2009

Berghaus Kit Testing in Chamonix

At MTRX we feel very proud of our of association with Berghaus and our role in actively helping them develop the ‘Extrem’ range into world leading products for mountaineers.
Over the past six months our guiding team has been equipped with the current range testing it to the full on our winter and spring programmes and last week they have been out putting prototypes for the forthcoming winter through their paces.
Susie gladly abandoned her desk and PC for a modeling role and acccompanied by fellow male model Matt, climbed all over the Aiguille du Midi and the boulders at the Col du Montet whilst Nick 'bathe it daily' clicked away on his Olympus like it was going out of fashion.
At the end of the week they were joined by Julie Gretton and Owen Smith from Berghaus HQ for a comprehensive feedback session. This was done thoroughly but not before squeezing in a fine ascent of the Cosmiques Arete just ahead of a big storm.
A journey to Chamonix, no matter how short, would not be complete without an alpine ascent!

To get your summer alpine fix - whether for a day, a week or longer - get in touch...call us on +44 20 8123 2978 or email info@mountaintracks.co.uk

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