10 July, 2009

The Italian High Level Route

Nick Powell and Sarah Hart joined Nick during the last week of June for 6 days on the Italian High Level route...aka the Spaghetti tour!

They enjoyed excellent weather for the week and summitted on 5 4000m peaks only being thwarted on the Dufourspitze due to the amount of snow on the higher elevations.

The following photos are kindly provided by Nick Powell.

From Breithorn West summit looking east

The summit ridge of Castor

Nick, Sarah and Nick (Mountain Tracks) on the summit of Castor.

The view from the summit of Castor looking towards Pollux and the Breithorn

The south ridge of Lyskamm taken from the summit of Castor

From the summit of Castor looking SE towards Quintina Sella

Summit of Zumsteinspitz looking towards Dufourspitze (L) and Nordend (R)

There's still time to join us in the Alps this summer - click on www.mountaintracks.co.uk/summer for trip details or call our office on 020 8123 2978

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